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Bay City Roller legend, Stuart “Woody” Wood, has brought together a powerful group of talented musicians who embody the same essence of the original band that the world knew and loved. Backed by incredible musical resumes, this group has taken what it means to be a Bay City Roller to heart and their excitement is infectious.


infectious enthusiasm

The current Bay City Rollers are Ian Thomson on lead vocals and guitar, John McLaughlin on vocals and keys, Mikey Smith on bass guitar, Jamie McGrory on drums and Woody on guitar.
The BCR song ‘Don’t Let The Music Die’ has echoed through time and the call is being answered.


unforgettable live performances

With Woody leading the charge, The Bay City Rollers bring their fresh energy and enthusiasm to the stage to breathe new life into the classic hits for fans around the world once again.
No longer ‘Yesterday’s Heroes’, The Bay City Rollers are back, they are touring and turning the whole world tartan!

Bay City Rollers buchen

Bay City Rollers Booking Request

Andre Wegener

Tel.: +49 (0)3385 50 37 31

Booking request by e-mail

Photos, Videos & Concert Dates

bay city roller Konzerte
bay city roller Konzert
bay city roller Auftritt

Chester (UK) – Alexander’s Live

Hertford (UK) – Corn Exchange

Stroud (UK) – The Sub Rooms

Wolverhampton (UK) – The Robin

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